Outpatient Addiction Help and Recovery for Heroin Abuse

The use of heroin is becoming an increasingly serious problem that is affecting several people across the United States. The drug possesses highly addicting characteristics that come from snorting injecting or smoking the illegal substance. A common misconception associated with heroin is that smoking or snorting the drug holds less of a chance of getting addicted. The white or brown powder, which has evolved over time, is sometimes referred to by many different street names, such as “smack”, “junk” or “H”.

Outpatient Addiction Help

Effects of Heroin Abuse

When it comes to heroin abuse, users come across both long-term and short-term effects associated with this drug. After a single dose, short-term effects appear soon after and fade within the next few hours. After repeated use of heroin, long-term effects begin to settle in, where an individual may suffer from collapsed veins, liver disease, a heart infection, and cellulitis. The user may also develop poor health and a weakened immune system, which could lead to a variety of complications. A fatal overdose may occur, as well as contracting an array of diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS from infected needles. Depending on the kind of heroin used, blood vessels may become clogged, infections start, or pulmonary reactions surface.

Getting Help for Heroin Addiction

Since serious withdrawal symptoms are associated with stopping the use of heroin, many heroin users are reluctant to face these difficulties. A medical doctor may prescribe a synthetic opiate, such as methadone, to lessen the craving for the drug, as well as help with some of the withdrawal symptoms. A wide range of treatments are used to help individuals overcome their heroin addiction, including other forms of medication and therapy that tap into behavioural responses that explore the personal dependency or longing for the drug.

Recovery for Heroin Abuse

The first step towards getting assistance for a heroin addiction is to accept or ask for help. One can turn to a doctor, family member, friend or priest, who can then lead the way to the multitude of available services, including both inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment options.

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the effective addiction recovery methods.

  • Agonist Maintenance Treatment: This is mostly provided to the opiate addicts. It targets on the craving system of an opium addict.
  • In-patient Treatment: In-patient treatment involves and works on the behavioural approach of an addict. It is all about isolating the victim from outside pressures that have malign effects on human psyches and human behaviours. Only a qualified counsel and a medical professional are allowed to practice this method.
  • Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment: The outpatient Drug-Free Treatment typically targets on cognitive behaviour. It involves a wide array of techniques including cognitive behavioural therapy and other 12-step programs are practiced.
  • Medical Detoxification Treatment: This treatment helps an addict to withdraw from the addiction permanently under the care of a professional practitioner. With this treatment, toxic chemicals in the body are extracted and removed to keep the patient away from the addicted narcotic.

Last but not the least life is what you make it; it is about your choices hence it is important that you make correct choices in life!